Nylon Clasps

Learn more about nylon clasps for more flexible dentures

Nylon clasps for dentures are made with thermoplastic nylon resin, unlike traditional dentures which are made with acrylic. For many patients, nylon clasps result in a more comfortable and flexible fit. With this added flexibility also comes more durability so your dentures can withstand more pressure and impact. 

There are a number of other advantages to opting for nylon clasps over traditional acrylic options. For starters, if patients are allergic to acrylic, this provides an excellent alternative. Transparent materials also help the natural gum colour show through the denture, creating a more natural look. Nylon clasp dentures are also faster to produce than conventional dentures and they are not prone to staining or breaking down.

Do you want to discuss your denture options and find out if nylon clasps are right for you? Give Strathmore Denture Clinic a call today and we will get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are nylon clasps for dentures?

Nylon clasps are made with thermoplastic nylon resin rather than the traditional acrylic dentures. This creates a much more flexible denture that is also able to withstand more impact and is resistant to staining. 

Can I get dentures if I am allergic to acrylic?

Yes—nylon makes an excellent denture material alternative for patients with sensitivities or allergies to acrylic.

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